Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to File a Disability Claim With the Veterans Administration

By Kayla Lowe

If you are a disabled veteran, then you may be eligible to receive Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits. VA benefits are offered in two forms. One is VA compensation, which is awarded to veterans whose disabilities were caused due to their military service. The other is a VA pension, which is offered to veterans who have an annual household income below that set by Congress and have a disability that keeps them from gainful employment, but isn't necessarily due to their military service. To see if you qualify for any of these benefits, you must first file a disability claim with the Veterans Administration.

Download the veterans application for compensation and/or pension from the Veterans Administration website (see Resources for a link to the application).

Complete the general information part of the application by providing your basic information, such as your name, address, date of birth, branch of military service, dates of military service and any current VA benefits that you receive. Attach a copy of your DD214 separation papers to this part of the application.

Complete the compensation part of the application if you are applying for VA compensation benefits. Provide a list of all the disabilities that you are claiming are related to your military service, as well as when and where you were treated for them while in the military. If you were treated for them after you were discharged from the military, provide treatment places and dates as well as medical records to support your claims.

Complete the dependency part of the application by listing your current spouse (if you have one), as well as any previous spouses and divorce dates. Also list any dependents who live with you (e.g., children or the elderly). Attach copies of your marriage certificate, any divorce certificates and your dependents' birth certifications with this part of the application.

Complete the pension part of the application if you are applying for VA pension benefits. List all your sources of income (including any income that your spouse earns), as well as any nursing home expenses. If you have nursing home expenses, attach copies of nursing home records documenting them to this part of the application.

Mail your completed application to your nearest VA office (see the Resources for VA office locations).

You may apply for both compensation and pension and then pick which one you wish to receive if you are awarded both.

Complete your application online electronically via VA's VONAPP service if you wish.

The time that it takes the VA to process your claim varies depending upon how many claims the administration has received; however, it is not uncommon for claims to take six months or longer to be processed.


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