Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Get a VA loan

Active duty personnel and qualified veterans have a reliable loan source. The Department of Veterans Affairs loans segment processes home loans with your interest at heart. Research the VA before looking to other creditors.

Do a self screen. Only qualified veterans and active duty personnel are eligible for a home loan. Even if you were a veteran, but you didn't receive an honorable discharge, you may not be eligible. Take your military identification card to your local Veteran's Administration office to check your eligibility.

Gather proof of service. Your DD 214, Military ID Card, Military Record and awards should be in a space dedicated for them for these purposes. The local VA may already have your information. In many cases, the people that processed your discharge submitted your information to the VA. If not, mail a copy of your DD 214 to them for any future needs.

Go to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs home page if you want to apply online. Click "Benefits," then click "Home Loans." Read "What's New," then proceed to "VA Loan Electronic Reporting Interface" page. Follow the directions for applying for a loan. Go to your local VA office to apply in person.

Proceed to your VA Office when directed to complete the loan processing. Give the VA rep any paperwork they need, such as proof that you served, your agent's contact information and any other information they need. Call them in advance and ask them for what they need if they don't inform you in the letter they sent you.

Wait for your loan request to be processed. Keep your bank and real estate agent informed.

If you're active duty, you don't need a DD 214, check your local VA office for details.

If you're active duty, enlisted, have been in less than four years and under 25, contact your financial specialist to see if purchasing a home is in your best interest.


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