Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Replace a Veterans Headstone

By Jennifer Mackinday

On Dec. 26, 2007, Congress passed Public Law 110-157, which allows the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide new and replacement headstones or grave markers for eligible deceased American veterans. The VA will replace government-furnished headstones that have been stolen, vandalized or are deteriorating at no charge. Each year, the VA processes more than 300,000 requests for new and replacement burial markers for deceased veterans buried around the world.

Obtain a copy of VA Form 40-1330. To request a copy, phone the VA toll free at (800) 697-6947. You can also download a copy from the VA website.

Complete sections 1 to 10 with the veteran's personal information. Initials are acceptable in lieu of the veteran's first and middle names, but do not use nicknames or civilian titles.

Place a check mark in the type of gravestone for the veteran's marker in Section 11. The gravestone style must match existing markers at the cemetery. Flat headstones are available in granite and marble, upright markers are available in granite, marble and bronze, and niche markers are available for cremated remains. Visit the burial benefits page on the VA website to view photos of the markers available.

Complete Section 12 with the religious symbol representing the deceased veteran's belief. This section is optional. Use the emblem guide on page four to find the appropriate code.

Complete Sections 13 to 18 with your personal information. This data may be used by the VA to verify the application or request additional information.

Complete Sections 19 to 26 with the name of the cemetery official responsible for receiving the headstone. Complete Section 21 if no one will be present at the cemetery when the gravestone is delivered. Do not complete either of these sections with the words "None," "Not Applicable," or "N/A," as this will cause the application to be rejected.

Write requests for personalized inscriptions in Section 27. The optional inscription can include nicknames, civilian titles ("Doctor," "Pastor") terms of endearment ("Beloved Father," "Cherished Brother"), or affiliation with military organizations or veterans groups ("VFW Post 18"). If space is available and the inscription is in good taste and respectful to the deceased, it will be added at the bottom of the marker. Any inscription requested in a language other than English must also include the English translation to receive approval.

Also including information pertaining to section 28 in this section if applicable.

Fax the completed form to the VA by toll free fax at (800) 455-7143. It may also be mailed to: Director, Memorial Programs Service Room 403A, Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20420-0001.

Gravestone and markers furnished by the government are always shipped at no charge.

Phone the Memorial Programs Service Applicant Assistance Unit weekdays between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (ET) toll-free at 1-800-697-6947 with questions about the replacement process.

Replacement headstones are not available for free if private cemetery personnel damage the marker. In this case, it is the responsibility of the private cemetery to pay for replacement expenses.

Only black ink may be used to complete the form.

Do not send original documents with the application as they will not be returned.

Sections 29 to 31 are for VA use only and should be left blank.


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