Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Request an Increase in Compensation From Veterans Affairs

By Eva Talent

The Department of Veterans Affairs, commonly referred to as the VA, gives former service members monetary compensation for injuries, illnesses and conditions sustained during military service. Some veterans experience a change in circumstances so significant that it warrants an increase in VA compensation. For example, symptoms may worsen and cause the veteran to miss work or lose a job, or medical expenses may increase. The VA must be notified of a change in circumstances by phone or by filing a VA form 21-4138. Once the VA has been notified, they will make a decision regarding your compensation.

Download VA form 21-4138 from the VA website.

Complete the first block on the form by writing or typing your first, middle and last name. Place your Social Security number in the second block and your original claim number in the third.

Type or print a description of your change in circumstances in the fourth block of VA form 21-4138. Include the reasons you are requesting an increase in compensation.

Sign the fifth block, marked "Signature," and put the date in the sixth block.

Complete the seventh block by typing or printing your home address. Include both daytime and evening phone numbers in the final two blocks.

If you need more space to describe the nature of your claim, use the second page of VA form 21-4138. You may print several copies of the second page if necessary. Do not use regular paper.

If you are unable to download the form, call the VA at 800-827-1000. Ask to be connected with a representative who can fill out the form over the phone.


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