By Jennifer Mackinday
The United States Veterans Administration (VA) provides headstones and memorial plaques for veterans. Unmarked grave sites of eligible deceased veterans can receive free memorial markers in any cemetery worldwide. The VA deems a grave site marked "if a monument displays the decedent's name and date of birth and/or death, even though the veteran's military data is not shown." Anyone with knowledge of the deceased veteran may apply for a headstone or marker. After application approval, the VA will ship the marker so that descendants of the deceased can set it on the grave site. Memorial plaques must be permanently affixed to existing grave markers. Anyone setting a bronze memorial plaque on an existing gravestone should have basic knowledge of power drill operation.Contact the cemetery to determine the status of any pending application to mark the veteran's burial space. Record contact information for the cemetery. Use this contact information to complete the request for a headstone or marker.
Obtain a copy of the deceased veteran's military discharge certificate, form DD-214, or other equivalent valid document establishing the veteran's honorable active military service. Use the information from the veteran's discharge documents to complete the application.
Complete VA form 40-1330, Application for Standard Government Headstone or Marker. To obtain an Application for Standard Government Headstone or Marker, submit a written request to Monument Service, Department of Memorial Affairs, Veterans Administration, 941 North Capitol Street Northeast, Room 9320, Washington, D.C. 20420, or download the form from the VA website (see link in Resources section). Complete the application according to the instructions included with the form.
Request that a cemetery official sign the form. Ask the cemetery to return the completed document to you.
Check the paperwork for accuracy and completion. Make a copy of the completed application for your records. Mail the original only of the completed application (VA Form 40-1330) to: Memorial Programs Service (403A) Department of Veterans Affairs 810 Vermont Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20420-0001. The VA will ship the headstone or marker for free.
Most memorial plaques are made of bronze. Bronze plaques are affixed to stone using mounting bolts. Check with the cemetery manager or the burial location policies to determine whom the cemetery will allow to install markers. Some locations require professional installation and charge a fee for this service.
After obtaining permission to install the marker, screw the plaque's mounting bolts into the back of the bronze plaque. Hand tighten the bolts. Take care not to overtighten the bolts, may damage the plaque. Determine the location on the stone where you plan to place the plaque. Use a permanent marker to mark the stone where you plan to drill the holes for the mounting bolts. Do not use mounting bolts longer than the width of the headstone.
Use a power drill with a masonry bit slightly larger than the size of the mounting bolts to drill the holes. For example, if the mounting bolts have a diameter of 1/2 inch, use a 5/8-inch bit. Clean the holes thoroughly to remove all dust and debris. Use a mild cleaning solution and cloth to free the area of debris. To ensure the holes are deep enough, place the plaque and drill deeper if needed.
Apply construction glue or epoxy to the mounting bolts. Fill the holes with the same glue. Place the memorial plaque in place, and hold firmly for 60 seconds.
Clean the area. Wait 30 minutes, then check the marker to ensure the glue has set.
Phone the Applicant Assistance Division toll free at 800-697-6947 with any questions.
Allow the cemetery up to two weeks to place the marker on the veteran's grave site.
Check the policies of the burial location for installation information.
Errors on the application, such as misspelled words or omitted information, may delay the application process.
Send copies, as the VA will not return original documents.
While veteran grave markers are free, you must pay any costs to install the headstone or marker with private funds.
Application processing may take up to two years.
The VA requires a complete street address and daytime telephone number for delivery.
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